Intuitive Business Mentorship

For fellow pilates & yoga instructors who care about how they feel in their work. This is for you if you want to break away from the studio grind to start your own business (or level up in you current business) to be free from industry limitations, work with dream clients & finally name you price.

There is abundance, freedom & money waiting for you.


you are sick of being a robot teacher who operates on memorization, repetition & autopilot, and you desire more purpose in your work. you have a deep knowing that there is more to mountain pose than simply *rotate your pinky fingers in* & you want to diversify your cues and ability to see the body.


you no longer want to feel intimidated by your client’s injuries, pain, & questions. you have a hunch about how one of your clients is moving, or not moving, but you don’t have the support or answers to help. you are seeking a deep dive into anatomy, physiology & injury prevention without going through another teacher training.

you already know that you are a leader in this industry and you have a unique approach but you don’t know how to build a business & break free from the group class grind. you have no idea where to start, in fact you keep pushing your ideas away, and working those other jobs, and you really just want someone to help you.

you are ready to name your price and ditch that side hustle. you want to attract dream clients who make you feel excited & safe showing up as you in the work space. you want to be the boss of your schedule & be in charge of what you get to teach. you are ready to be ready for more.


You deserve to have freedom & abundance in your career.

For more information, book a discovery call, sign up for my newsletter & follow on instagram to receive free resources to get your started on your business journey!

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