Core Values.
"Tell me what you pay attention to & I will tell you who you are" -Jose Ortega y Gasset
Our values guide us. Why we act & what we act on, they’re our filter for what we choose. Values help us navigate our moment-to-moment & allow us to set meaningful goals.
Inherited versus chosen values:
Time to write:
write out the significant milestones in your story since you were a child.
what have you accomplished?
what was hard?
What core values were required for you to achieve or overcome these experiences?
what values did your parents or guardians have?
what values have you inherited from your upbringing?
what values still exist for you today?
what values would you add?
what values dont serve you anymore?
It wasn't until I was 27 years old that I first thought of this idea of inherited values (aka my parents or teachers) versus my values. I realized I had been carrying other people's values with me and this caused heaviness, deep judgment & fear to be fully Me.
Don't get me wrong, I adore my family and love their values for them. But, we are so different. I slowly let the values of others become my leading inner voice, inner critic and guidance. I noticed that these voices & thoughts I would hear in my head, weren't actually mine. Who were they?
My dad. My big conservative brother. My 16 year old self. That one therapist that I never vibed with. My ex boyfriend. That one teacher who never took their time with me.
Before I created arrive and even still during the creation process, I often become clouded with so many voices of others that were creating the story for me before I could even create it for myself!
Who do you value?
Think of 2 people that you value & look to in life. Set a timer for 5 minutes & write a list of all of the things, characteristics, & memories that you value in these people.
Person #1
Person #2
Circle 3-5 words from each person and create a new list with these words.
how these words show up in your life.
do you have a different word to describe them?
how do they make you feel? do they feel like you?
Make a new list of 3-5 words. Replace or add any words that feel more like you.
Circle a final 3 and create a new list with these words. Could these be your core values?