Energy & Law of Attraction
Everything in life is made up of energy and it all vibrates at different frequencies. Let’s get big & bold on what types of energy come in & out of our life. Let's claim it.
Energy & Frequencies.
All things vibrate & take form. Think of a liquid versus a gas versus a solid. Then, each gas, liquid, or solid has different frequencies & measurements within those forms.
Some frequencies are more stable than others, or slower or faster. A rock, which is a solid, dense object, is more stable & vibrates at a lower frequency then say, a cloud.
Places have different frequencies, too. The lush seaside city of Seattle vibrates at a different frequency than the Mile High alpine-desert city of Denver. Busy malls vibrate more than quiet parks. Your bed vibrates differently than a hotel bed.
The human body is also made up of dozens of different frequencies.
Each organ has a different frequency, our thoughts have different frequencies, and then where we are in space and who & what we are surrounded by affects it all! We are full of various delicate frequencies, and therefore energies.
Can you cultivate wonder & awe as you become aware of the energies & frequencies around you and notice how they affect you?
Opportunity to write.
what energy or frequency do you emit? your best friend? your boss? your partner?
what things/people/place take energy away from you, instead of give you energy?
what energy or frequencies are present when you are in your power versus not in your power?
have you ever felt others people energy stick with you? what does it feel like?
how can you protect your energy?
can you image or embody a buzzing energy? a wavy energy? a soft energy? a bold energy?
Law of Attraction.
Let’s keep this simple.
What you focus on, you attract. What you think, you feel. Energy follows your awareness.
Physiology teaches us that thoughts are of the mind, and thoughts create emotions. Emotions are of the body. When you have a single thought - good or bad - a flood of biochemicals & hormones are released in the body, which create a certain state of the body. Therefore, you thoughts literally create your physical form. Your body is designed to remember these emotions and thoughts, and as we grow & get older, we train our body to exist in a certain way. (you know that shitty memory you keep repeating over & over again? it's ok, me too)
But, you and only you, have the ability to break and replace these cycles and habits, aka thoughts & emotions.
How? By slowly becoming aware of what is it that you think & feel (even if its really, really uncomfortable. we want to acknowledge it & get really clear on how it is that have been being) and slowly replace it with new thoughts & feelings.
In a study done by cellular biologist Glen Rein (read it here) the affects of healers' ability to unwind & wind DNA strands was tested. Healers were sat with vials that held DNA in them and tested
if positive feeling/emotion alone could change the DNA strand aka visualizing & feeling happy thoughts,
if intention alone could change the DNA strand aka thinking that the strand will change
if positive emotion AND intention could change the DNA strand aka feeling & thinking together.
The results showed that DNA strands changed the most when positive emotion & intention were combined. This tells us that we have to THINK and FEEL it!
You can't just think yourself into the life you want. If you *think* you can start your own business but deep down, you do not feel that you can, or even worse, you feel that you cannot, it's not going to happen, babe. You have to practice the positive emotion & feeling that would come with these intentions & thoughts. This is why visualization is so so so powerful. Visualize the you that starts her own business, the you that mentors others, the you that leads retreats across the world, all that power....sheesh, what does that feel like?
It all comes down to vibrational energy. Every object, action, thought and feeling has a vibrational energy (check out the Emoto water experiment here). When we give off a certain vibrational energy, it will attract more things that match the energy you are giving off.
LOA does not work by creating things out of thin air. You have to attract this new thing from a place of already being and feeling whole, emotion combined with intention. We dont want to send out desperate, lacking or suffering signals to the universe.
Our attractions & vibrational energy goes beyond what we say with our words, it goes deeper to how we feel, to our dreams, our gratitude, our unconscious. It’s a combination of thinking, feeling & acting in that desire. Start by noticing one beautiful, incredible thing about your life a day.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Abraham Hicks Infinite Intelligence Podcast
Super Soul Podcast by Oprah
Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations on Youtube