Welcome to Posture Club.

welcome to posture club.

this space is for all the movers, space holders, healers & teachers that incorporate the body into their work.

posture club represents both posture & poses.

posture as the state of all the joints in the body at any given moment aka how you take up space & move through space, how your body is held, or joint alignment & muscle balance

and as a specific pose or exercise in a given modality such as yoga, pilates, reiki, lagree, etc.

I made this space because connecting, mentoring & observing, both to others & from others, has been a huge impact on who I am as a teacher & what my approach is.


this space was created for you.

you are a devoted, curious & committed teacher who deeply cares about this work.

you are sick of being a robot teacher who operates on memorization, repetition & autopilot. (raise your hand if you have ever written out every single cue, breath, pose).

you know that all this moving, breathing, sweating, is so much more than a work out.

you no longer want to feel intimidated by your clients injuries, pain, & questions. you can't diagnose but you sure can treat & cure because you have a UNIQUE perspective.

you have a hunch about how one of your students is moving, or not moving, you know something is up, but you dont have the support or answers to help & you DO NOT want to rely on confusing google searches anymore.

you know that this work is not one cue fits all, not one pose fits all, not one class fits all, and when you take class you tend to check out when you hear the same cues & phrases over & over again.

you have a deep knowing & desire that there is more to mountain pose than simply *rotate your pinky fingers in* & you want to diversify your skill without going through 200 hr teacher training.

you have your own injuries & pain, and you know how special it is to have an instructor really see you, and offer personalize cues *butterflies all over*

how did I just perfectly articulate how you are thinking or feeling? because I am just like you, and I have felt the exact same ways throughout this teaching journey.

this isn't about reinventing the wheel or coming up with the most creative transitions or themes. this is about staying present, intentional and learning in this work. this is about offering value to our clients & community, being ALL here, and having fun.