Your Power & Boundaries
You’re here because you are ready to stop being a victim and you are ready to be more than just okay. You have already overcome everything you have ever been through in your life and you are ready to level up. Let’s learn about our power & how to protect it through boundaries.
I want you to think about you worth & your power as besties. We can’t have one without the other. Our worth teaches us that its safe to be us & we are enough, and our power gets us to where it is that we want to go.
We can sense our power by simply breathing into our body, connection thoughts & feeling to it. Try the exercises below.
Your Power
I believe that there is no single definition to one’s power. No one can define it other than that person, for themselves.
Your power is your strengths & your weaknesses as one. Your worthiness. Your light & your dark. Your voice within, your fears, your truth, your guts. Your littles. Your motivation. Universal intelligence. Innate knowing. Connection to god. Divine energy that fills your physical form. Your inner physician. Your guide.
Your power changes, and expands, and stretches. Every day it can look & feel different. Your power allows you to feel fully safe as fully you.
Answer these questions to get closer to defining Your Power.
describe yourself in 3 words.
what makes you happy? free?
what are you really fcking good at?
think of a time that you felt brave, what happened?
where do you feel the most powerful in your body? what does it feel like?
what foods make you feel the most powerful? the least powerful?
what do you stand for?
what do you want to be remembered for?
if time & money had no limits, what would you create?
if your power had a voice, what would it say? what does it need?
Boundaries are an important tool & practice that help protect our power. Boundaries are essential! Boundaries are not just for the people, places & things that we don’t like, they are for every thing in our life.
Let’s create some boundaries.
The 10 people/places exercise:
Write down a list of 10 people & places that you most interact with in your life & how they make you FEEL in your body. Do not write anything about who they are as a person or describe them, only write down how they make you feel.
Do the same thing with food, drink, products, clothing, media, etc. that you most interact with.
If people & things are making us FEEL like shit, maybe it's time for a boundary?
The idea is not to delete all of these things from our lives (you can totally do that, too!), but to be more aware of how we are filling our lives & bodies, and to be in choice.
You are not responsible for other people’s boundaries but you are responsible for setting your own boundaries when needed.
Think of boundaries as a step to getting closer to your vision & goals.
I promise you, the more you practice self worth through power & boundaries, the more clear you will feel.